Breitling Elementary School Library Media Center

Alana Dixon


Alana Dixon

Phone: (251) 865-0900

Mission Statement

The library media program will enable individuals to become information literate and effective lifelong readers. The program will provide educational and technological opportunities to students and staff in keeping with their needs and abilities. The program will enable individuals to access, analyze, assimilate, and use information effectively. Alabama’s School Library Media Handbook for the 21st Century Learner expresses the mission of Alabama’s library media programs as supporting the school’s instructional program to improve student learning and student achievement. This mission is accomplished by:

• ensuring learners will be able to independently inquire, think critically, and to gain, create, and share knowledge;

• providing real and virtual access to appropriate, high-quality resources and services during and outside the school day;

• participating in curriculum development and design of learning activities; and


• facilitating professional development for the learning community.

Helpful Links

Alabama Virtual Library
Alabama Virtual Library
Atriuum Book Systems
Atriuum Book Systems OPAC
AR Book Finder
AR Book Finder
Mobile County Public Library
Mobile County Public Library


The Library Media Center hours of operation are 7:30 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Students come independently to the library to select books. K - 5 students have bi-weekly library classes. 


You can search for books and other resources in our library by using the Atriuum link above.


Students in grades Prek-1 are allowed 1 items checked out for a two week period. Students in grades 2-5 are allowed 2 items checked out for a 2 week period. We do not charge overdue fines for late items.